To become client-centric professional services rendering firm where entities of all sizes can establish and maintain reliable and eternal business relationships.

To understand, meet and exceed our client's expectations by standing out the competition of cost and time effectiveness, while ensuring the quality management remain intact.

Our Synopsis
FinXcel is a professional services rendering firm with a team having a cumulative professional experience of more than 15 years from Big Four Auditing Firms. We are the leading practitioner of Audit & Assurance, Taxation, Accounting & Financial Reporting, Risk and Financial Advisory services. We have been committed to our vision and mission by providing exceptional services that our clients adore which builds trust and long-lasting relationships.

Our Team Attributes and Quality Management
Our team of Chartered Accountants and multi-skilled staff works under the direct guidance of partners to ensure responsiveness to our clients upto the best standards of professional excellency. Partners are committed to remain updated with professional standards, relevant laws and regulations and keep abreast with technological developments, which instill a culture of acquiring sound professional and technical knowledge by our team that is ultimately translated as an outcome of our leading services.
While we ensure client-oriented professional services for their satisfaction, we do not compromise on quality management in our firm, therefore we are committed to International Standards of Quality Management (ISQM) and follow the Code of Ethics by International Ethics Standard Board (IESBA Code) at both firm and engagement levels.
Code of Ethics
FinXcel adheres to Code of Ethics by International Ethics Standard Board (IESBA Code), therefore we have established below principles to comply with in performance of our engagements:
Our internal and external communication is based on trust and transparency.
We value our clients, employees and other stakeholders with utmost respect.
Our professional judgments are true, fair and are indifferent to any biases, conflict of interest or undue influences.
professional compentence and due care
Our partners and staff possess updated professional knowledge and skills in service areas that our clients sought with us.
Clients’ information acquired as a result of business relationships is prestigious for us, which is disseminated only on need to know basis and dealt in accordance with relevant privacy law or regulations and professional standards.
professional behaviour
Our thorough background checks before hiring staff and training to hired staff member ensure that they adhere to our core values and relevant laws & regulations to maintain professional and ethical behavior in their clients' dealings.